Alien Poster
A while ago I was asked by a group of collectors to do a dream commission: a "Alien" screenprint poster.
As a massive fan of the first movie, I was obviously highly enthusiastic about doing it. The final version is still to be printed and as soon as I have it in my hand I will post a couple detail shots and also I will have some APs for sale (probably appearing in the "Goods" section of my website or through Eidolon Fine Arts).
Anyway, here's a bit of the process: I did around 7 sketches, my initial idea was to play around the concept of animal species and survival mixing the two "beasts" of the film - the cat and the xenomorph. The final version, however, was more straight forward so I pushed to get "weird" in other areas, completely redoing the logo and choosing a sort of unusual landscape format.
Alternate I
Alternate II